Join me....

I believe that art enriches and informs our lives everyday in many positive ways. Sharing those experiences, whether as an artist or as an appreciator, is part of the pleasure. I welcome your comments and hope you find something of value: a laugh, an insight, a new idea or just a happy moment. Enjoy art!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

You Never Know....

You never know where art may show up next!
 A blank canvas...I mean a pure white rain barrel, and a friend who wanted to
meet the corporate challenge of painting rain barrels for the
county fair, all conspired to rope me in to designing and painting this most
unusual object de arte.
Our company sponsor is Nahacky's Aquarium, premier tropical fish store of the Space Coast,              so of course we needed a
"fishy theme." Here I am applying the first of many coats of paint...

Now a little supervision from "the boss" Dave.

After many days of "technical research" and lots of hours of painting
the design is coming together.

Now it is actually getting fun..the brighter the better.  We opted for
humorous and a very liberal interpretation of our fish.

Final product?  You have to see it to believe it.
Put the Brevard County Fair on your must-visit list running March 22-
April 1 at Wickham Park.  Of course there are midway rides
but after you enjoy the fainting goats, the prize chickens and
the chile-cookoff you will want to drop by the tent
of painted rain barrels...I mean, Van Gogh had to
start somewhere, no?


  1. TOO CUTE!!! You clever person!

    You are probably the most creative person I know! Love, love, LOVE IT!

  2. altered books, altered rain barrels, what next??

  3. I'm scared to imagine what might be next...but it will be fun!! thanks ladies....

  4. Very, very, very cool! Love it!

  5. thanks...and what kind of hiccup happened above with the repeating comment of mine!?


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