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I believe that art enriches and informs our lives everyday in many positive ways. Sharing those experiences, whether as an artist or as an appreciator, is part of the pleasure. I welcome your comments and hope you find something of value: a laugh, an insight, a new idea or just a happy moment. Enjoy art!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Jane Peiser's Magical World of Clay

while on campus for a week I made it my mission to 
visit her studio; an unforgettable visit...

I hurried through breakfast so I could hike down the road towards Peisner's home and studio.  It was early morning and the sun was just topping the mountains as I rounded the bend towards her drive.
I slowed as I felt I was about to enter another world; partial proof on the tree stumps serving as pedestals for cracked or misfired art lining the walk, preparing visitors for Peisner's fantasy land.

In the quiet of the morning the rabbit hole beckoned,

revealing a visual advertisement/endorsement of area potters and their wares...

The sign on the door made the instructions clear....

Suddenly I was standing all alone in another world: the clay of Jane Peiser, self taught potter for over 45 years, master of the murrini style of building folk art scenes in colored clay, believer in the human spirit, a generous soul and lover of naturekind.

I carefully looked inside her delicate cups to see that the design, true to the murrini technique, went all the way through the clay.

I examined her tall vases and cups enjoying every bit of fantasy folk imagery and each detail of the carefully constructed clay canes.

I marveled at the range of stories and ideas she was able to convey with her designs and the addition of fun details such as flowers, hands, fingers and faces.

And I came across her most casual way of doing business, trusting that her collectors would respect the rules of sale.

 I was blown away.  I was in Jane's world with no one but her fantasy figures on a sunny mountain morning.  Only the birds saw me enter, it was magical and I realized I was holding my breath.

It was hard to select something for my own collection.  Jane is represented now at only one gallery, Ariel Gallery in Asheville, NC.  Time and age are taking their toll.  She is doing more rug hooking now and less clay construction.  I wanted a piece to remember this by.

 I made my selections, wrapped them up, calculated the tax and left a check next to this note:

I had phoned her the day before looking for a specific piece which she was not sure she had.  A ride back to school?  That's the kind of person she is.  I declined to ring as it was early and I cherished the walk back up the hill to process the world I had entered.  Slowly I closed the door and started my way out.

Would I regret this opportunity to meet a clay legend?  Probably yes.  But as much respect as she had for wanting to give me a lift, I too, had respect for her privacy at this early hour.

And besides, it is sort of within her magic world to leave to the imagination the kind of woman she must be. Some questions are better left unanswered.

And so I huffed my way back up the hill listening to the birds and slowly emerging from a land that only art and imagination can build.  I felt like Alice, leaving Wonderland, knowing my view had shifted slightly just for the visit.

Color Fully Yours,

p.s. Please click on the blue colored words above to be lead to more information regarding Peiser, Penland and the work termed murrini.

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