Join me....

I believe that art enriches and informs our lives everyday in many positive ways. Sharing those experiences, whether as an artist or as an appreciator, is part of the pleasure. I welcome your comments and hope you find something of value: a laugh, an insight, a new idea or just a happy moment. Enjoy art!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Chickened Out...

This is it for the least for a little while! I have learned several things concentrating on these birds, one of which is that all chickens are not alike.  And I'm not just referring to the variety of breeds; I'm talking about personality.  Really.  I guess I never thought about it but these two legged animals each have a character all their own.  If you don't believe me just try painting them or raising a few.  (Notice here we have a cheerful chick, a busy hen, a mother hen, a bossy hen....and so on.)

Anyway, I enjoy putting a number of related images together in what I refer to as a "painted collage."
Here's my tribute to those hard working hens who keep us in eggs.

24" x 24" acrylic on board
This style of painting gives me the opportunity to play with my backgrounds and surfaces...and while I want the figures to move forward and backward with some depth, I don't have to position them in relation to a horizon line or worry over shadows always cast in the same direction.  Another reason I have fun with this is that I can vary the sizes of my subjects and then, with color, move the viewer around and through the work.  While the layout and composition are a challenge, this time I did not have to paint out any completed subjects. 
I'll share a few details for closer viewing.

Buying a painted collage is like getting many paintings all in one.  Now it is off to the framer's with this one.  Thanks for sharing my chicken period with's not "over and out," but I have hit the "pause" button!


p.s. I am now posting my plein air work for sale in my etsy shop on-line at:   I will blog about the work from time to time but encourage you to check out this site if you are ever interested in a piece.  And, of course, I am in the process of updating all my larger pieces on my website at  Thanks.



  1. I absolutely LOVE this piece. And I am in awe of how many different moods you have captured! Beautifully done.

  2. Cindy I just love your Ode de Chicken!! It is so diverse and just captures their "chickeness" so well.


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