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I believe that art enriches and informs our lives everyday in many positive ways. Sharing those experiences, whether as an artist or as an appreciator, is part of the pleasure. I welcome your comments and hope you find something of value: a laugh, an insight, a new idea or just a happy moment. Enjoy art!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mr. and Mrs.

I love cardinals!  Not as arrogant as the blue jay but full of color and personality.  I did not know that they got their name from the red robes worn by the Roman Catholic Cardinals; and I have heard that they are faithful to their mates (no proof of this).  Unlike some of our feathered friends the cardinals sing all year long and I like that too.  Another motivation for painting this winsome pair is that the logo for our little village is the red cardinal.  Oops, and I confess: I had to paint another pair because the first rendition went flying out to a new home....sold in a flash.  Hopefully I will have to launch a third version soon!  Purchase here...sorry, SOLD

This piece is 10 x 8, mixed media on board.  That means that on a cradeled piece of birch (framed with a painted edge about 3/4" deep) I put many layers of gesso sanding between each one.  As I got the surface closer and closer to glass I added some acrylic to the gesso and put several layers of mossy green on the surface.  I then draw the birds on with graphite and tease out a bit of color, go back in with additional graphite and voila!  it's done.  Wish it were that fast.  Hope you find some cardinals where ever you go today.


  1. I love this painting, so cheerful and energetic. Thanks for sharing your process with us.

  2. Really nice, Cindy! Love the delicacy of the branches and transparent layers of color for the beautiful birds' backdrop.

  3. I love Cardinals and the picture. The softness is very appealing. The subtle colors really work with my senses.

  4. I appreciate the feedback Larraine and David...I'm not always so "subtle"...will keep that in mind!

  5. Wonderful painting, Cindy! I really like the background; it sets the pair off so nicely.

    I seldom see cardinals out west, although I know they are here. I used to see them frequently in the winter back in CT, though, so I often associate them with winter. They are such cute little things, aren't they?

  6. I love those two cardinals they just cheer me up!Thanks for sharing and congrats on it's sale!


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